1 in 2 people in the UK will develop cancer in their lifetime, with 27% of cancer patients needing radiotherapy treatment.1
Radiotherapy plays a vital role in cancer treatment. It is high-tech, low-risk and internationally recognised as an innovative solution to addressing the ongoing backlog in cancer care.
Despite its critical importance, many radiotherapy services are faced with challenges that negatively impact service delivery, including increasing patient backlogs, workforce shortages, lack of funding and outdated infrastructure and technology.
Our goal is to support hospitals and clinics providing cancer services by ensuring access to the most advanced medical equipment available in radiotherapy. We’ll take care of the long-term management of your complex radiotherapy equipment so you can focus on delivering the best possible patient care.
Our Radiotherapy Transformation Service
We have a proven track record in the long-term management of sophisticated radiotherapy equipment. We bring specialist experience to each radiotherapy transformation project, coupled with the corporate strength and resources to provide a complete service to meet your unique requirements.
Traditional managed equipment services (MES) view new equipment as the end goal. We go beyond these limits by treating technology as an enabler rather than an outcome. Our radiotherapy transformation services see equipment procurement as part of a broader solution – a stage in the journey to a better staff experience, a more sustainable service and improved patient care.
Our consultative approach and specialist expertise characterise our flexible and cost-efficient radiotherapy solutions. We are genuine partners who encourage clinical, operational, financial and experiential transformation, empowering you to drive change and ensure patient and staff satisfaction.
We dig deep to understand your challenges and limitations before developing solutions that improve your clinical service. We will work with you to optimise your radiotherapy department to maximise staff productivity and enhance the patient experience whilst safeguarding their privacy, dignity and safety. We ensure you have access to new technologies and the ability to procure and implement them through the life of the contract.
Our dedicated in-house build and implementation team will work with your estates, PFI partners and clinical departments to plan and project manage the installation, commissioning and training of all equipment.
Achieve operational and financial efficiencies by utilising our vendor-neutral, impartial and flexible procurement solutions to free up clinical time and find cost savings that can be reinvested back into your radiotherapy service.
Promote current best-practice in medical technology management across your organisation and ensure compliance with the support of our expert team. We offer CQC and MHRA compliance, KPI reporting and benchmarking, auditing and health checks, governance reviews, consultancy and end-user training.
We offer a comprehensive asset management service that includes full life-cycle management of your technologies, availability and replacement planning, performance management, maintenance, user training, decommissioning and disposal.
We can help establish and fund a long-term service that keeps you up-to-date, efficient and effective. Our flexible solutions include part- or full-funded facility and equipment replacement programmes so that you can maximise tax efficiencies and meet changing clinical demand.
Let us help you choose, install and integrate the IT systems that work for your radiotherapy department.
Our approach to transformation
One size doesn’t fit all – that’s why all our solutions are collaboratively designed around your unique needs and restrictions. Our approach is never prescriptive, and although the process always varies, our partnerships are characterised by several key phases.
We like to do a ‘deep dive’ to determine how our team can support you best. The first step is to take an initial diagnostic of your current service. The discovery phase helps us identify areas of strength and key areas for improvement. We collaborate with your management team to map out opportunities and create a strategic business plan and actionable blueprints for transformational change.
The next step is to present our expert opinion regarding the elements and scope that should be accounted for in your transformation solution. This ensures we can deliver maximum benefits to your organisation in terms of operational and financial effectiveness. We’ll also present bespoke contract KPIs matched to your service and strategy so that you know exactly what to expect.
We take your strategic and clinical objectives and make them happen. Our highly experienced specialists provide a professional, trusted service and impartial advice based on your current and future needs. Our solutions delivery has an unwavering focus on patient outcomes and customer satisfaction.
We know from experience that continuous innovation supports better patient outcomes. For us, evidence-based continuous improvement means tracking and monitoring your data and analytics to assess further areas for improvement, keeping abreast of the latest technological advances and proactively improving operational efficiencies year after year.